Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 7

Hey, just checking in. Still at the in-service in Dillingham, which is basically just teaching me how to waste time during boring presentations. (In case I wasn't already proficient from my college training.) Yup. Also, update on my class list. I picked up a math class. So, I'll be teaching:

Physical Science
Issues in Science
Remedial Math

No chemistry or environmental science. I'll be flying to Togiak tomorrow after in-service is over. I can't wait to get started with the mountains of work for teaching. I hope you guys are all doing good.

Here's a picture for you. This was taken by this great chick named Liz from Boston. That is Aleknagik Lake behind me.



Anonymous said...

what do you teach in 'issues in science'?

Tara the Talented said...

well, i guess it's called current issues in science, so like... some area specific stuff like oil drilling, fishing and mining, then other stuff like stem cells and bridges. you know, whatever gets us nerds going. :)

on a different note, i miss you! Hope you're doing good!